Stroke of Midnight Read online

  Henrietta’s marriage to Lord Gage is perfect. On the night they are to celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary her wickedly handsome husband has arranged a special event to honor their love. She has no idea what lies in store, but her husband has promised an evening beyond her wildest dreams. Given their sex life involves pleasure and pain, she has high hopes for the evening. But what she discovers is more shocking than she could ever have imagined. Her husband has been keeping secrets about his needs both in and out of the bedroom. His gift will test their marriage, but it will be up to Henrietta to accept the challenge and recreate their perfect world.


  Chapter 1

  When a married woman reaches a certain age she expects to know her place in society. If all has gone to plan, she has married well, produced an heir and a spare for her husband, and can look forward to pursuing her own private life outside her marriage.

  Henrietta Adams has done her duty to the utmost of her ability. She married Alexander, Earl Gage, with the appropriate fanfare exactly five years ago, gave birth to George and Henry, now aged four and two, as expected. Members of the ton listen when she speaks and when she holds two annual events each season, a ball and a large dinner for her husband's most influential friends, it is described as a sad crush.

  Yet there is something about her husband and their marriage that no one knows. Alexander has a fondness for telling Henrietta what to do, more than most husbands as far as she can tell. Her obedience, and frequent disobedience, heightens his desire. He liked to tie her up to his bed as he takes his pleasure; he liked to hold her down when he doled out what pleased her most. He loved to impose his will until Henrietta screams out a name.


  Tonight, at the stroke of midnight, marks the beginning of their fifth wedding anniversary. Henrietta was all aflutter with nerves. Alexander had promised that the evening will be one they will both not soon forget. He had promised pleasure beyond belief and Henrietta trusted him to honor that pledge.

  “Your hair is dressed and ready, my lady.”

  Henrietta turned her head to inspect the simple knot of hair at the back of her head. “Are you sure I shouldn’t have gone with a more elaborate style, Alice? It is our anniversary, after all.”

  The older maid’s eyes softened. “Trust me. This is more complicated than required for the evening planned.”

  Henrietta frowned. “What exactly do you know about tonight?”

  Her maid shook her head. “Nothing more than I need to. However, I am capable of making a few assumptions. Your gown is designed to be easily removed. Your hair should be uncomplicated, too.”

  Alice had been with her since the first days of her marriage. She had eased Henrietta’s anxiety after her first encounter with her husband’s true nature and taught her that her responses were not something to be afraid of. When she’d first met Alexander, Henrietta had not known his darker ways. He’d opened her eyes gradually, easing her into their new life together. They had only ceased such vigorous play during her periods of confinement. Alexander had worried that his will might harm the child if he should be seized by frenzy of lust. The moment when he confessed his concerns so openly, Henrietta believed they could play their games forever. He took extraordinary care with her welfare and she had no need to doubt him.

  Henrietta glanced at the clock, stood, and moved before the full length mirror. “I’ll dress now. It’s almost time.”

  While Alice retrieved her garments from her bed, Henrietta glanced down her body. Skin oiled until it glowed, the hair covering her most intimate parts shaved clean with a man's razor, as well as the hair on her legs and beneath her arms.

  From the few discreet inquiries she’d made of her friends, not one of them prepared for their husbands in such a fashion. But Alexander loved the feel of smooth skin beneath his hands so Henrietta indulged him.

  “Raise your arms, my lady, I'll help you into it. The garment appears slightly complicated to fit.”

  While Alice tugged and tied Henrietta into her undergarments, she stood still, slowing her breathing even while impatience danced beneath the surface of her still limbs. Stockings for her legs, tied with red ribbons, pearl studded slippers for her feet. Thanks to years of practice, it was easy to summon up enough patience not to question the order of her dressing and behave until she could move.

  Henrietta dropped her eyes as Alice bound her into a tight fitting corset without the benefit of a chemise underneath. But it was a shockingly different style of corsetry from what Alexander had previously supplied. She stared at herself. Her nipples and a good portion of her breasts protruded from holes in the fabric, holding them both up and out rather than flattening them for modesty.

  She squirmed as a rush of moisture flooded from between her legs and then glanced guiltily at her maid. What the older woman thought of her attire she couldn’t tell. She had never commented on her scandalous attire before but this might just be the occasion she broke her silence and told her she looked wanton.

  “The gown is in two parts, my lady.” Alice whisked the first layer over her head as Henrietta raised her arms. The near-sheer material flowed loosely over her body from tiny straps, but contained slits from top to hem, exposing her unbound breasts. The next layer covered her shoulders and nipples with a much darker hued fabric, concealing the shade of the hard points but only barely. It too was incomplete. Anyone could slide his hand inside the layer and fondle her breasts with ease.

  She couldn’t wear this gown anywhere but in the privacy of the Townhouse. Alexander had exceeded himself this evening. He had a wicked taste in apparel and knowing how close to the edge of scandal she was dressed caused her pulse to rise again. She'd have to be especially naughty to repay him for the gift.

  Alice tied a final bow in the center of her chest and Henrietta glanced at herself in the tall oval mirror. One quick tug and her assets would be completely on display. That was all standing between the publicly proper Lady Gage and scandal.

  “There. I think that is perfect,” Alice murmured.

  “No.” Henrietta picked up her bracelet and held it out. “Put this back on my upper arm where it belongs.”

  Alice flushed a guilty shade of pink and quickly snapped the solid gold bracelet in place about her upper right arm. How funny that her maid could forget her husband’s mark of ownership on this night of all nights. It wasn’t like her.

  Henrietta brushed her fingers over the cold metal, waiting for it to heat with the warmth of her skin. Alexander had gifted it the first night after he'd cuffed her to their bed. She wore it every day, only taking it off to bathe. Being bonded like this was right. The innocent sign of their connection soothed her when they were forced apart by the requirements of society much more than her plain gold wedding band had done.

  The downstairs clock rang out. It was midnight. The time Alexander had ordered her to meet him downstairs in the library, to start their wedding anniversary together for some wickedly decadent play. The house was silent, the servants asleep, as she made her way downstairs, trying to keep her anticipation under control.

  A floorboard creaked beneath her feet as she hurried down the stairs. She mustn’t keep Alexander waiting, not when he’d gone to so much trouble to make their anniversary so special.

  Henrietta drew in a deep breath and then knocked firmly on the library door as she’d been taught. No hesitation. No doubt. No mishish ways. She waited as the long minutes ticked by. When it came, Alexander’s deep voiced 'come' sent a thrill through her and she pushed the heavy oak door wide and stepped into the library.

  Henrietta loved the library. It reminded her of her husband, but they never normally play their games in here. It wasn't private enough for the ener
getic games they played; too close to the front door and Henrietta would have to be gagged to keep quiet enough so that no servant would come to investigate. Alexander liked her to talk to him. He likes to hear that she was enjoying his games and moaning.

  She pushed the door shut firmly and turned the lock. Alexander stood across the darkened room, waiting with his arms crossed over his chest, feet braced wide apart. But he was dressed informally, as if he had thrown on his clothes in a rush. His coat, waistcoat and cravat were missing, his feet were bare. She glanced at his face again in surprise. He was always conscious of maintaining appearances except inside their bedroom. He never wanted anyone to suspect him of not being a proper gentleman at all hours of the day. But tonight he appeared as if he had recently stumbled out of bed, even though he’d been down here for the last three hours.

  Henrietta moved toward him, uncertain for the first time since the night of their marriage. Alexander may look like an angel, but his dark side was the dominant force in his life. He, whom every debutant had dreamed of marrying in the year of her come out, could be utterly overwhelming when he chose to let down his guard. Had the devil come out to play once and for all?


  Henrietta froze and lowered her gaze respectfully.

  “Turn and face the hearth,” he growled.

  Body tingling at the force behind his words, Henrietta slowly turned toward the blaze and focused on the dancing flames. He was on edge tonight. The dark devil she'd married had truly come to life. Henrietta squeezed her thighs together as a surge of anticipation shot through her sex. What did he have planned?

  When he came closer, she stove to keep her breathing even. But her nipples scraped across the fabric of her gown with every breath, adding to her anxiety. They stood out stark in the firelight, twin beacons that she was aroused. Alexander didn’t like it when she got too far ahead of him with her desires and she fought not to show how much she wanted him.

  The urge to lean toward him and connect skin to skin grew. His breath whispered over her shoulder, but he did not touch her anywhere. “You are exquisite tonight.”

  “Thank you.”

  She kept her words clipped. He did not like rambling conversation prior to having sex. Compliments could be accepted. Conversation was not wanted. He circled her and their gazes collided. A jolt of pure lust flooded her. He was so excited tonight. His blue eyes had brightened with anticipation.

  Alexander leaned forward and their lips connected in a soft kiss. She opened her mouth eagerly, ready to fulfill his every wish, demand, and desire. His tongue teased hers as he crowded her beneath his mouth, forcing her to lift her chin high to keep kissing. But he did it without pulling her in his arms. Henrietta whimpered, hoping he would take pity and touch her skin.

  Instead of that, he pulled away, and looked over her shoulder. “Exquisite, isn't she?”

  “You are correct,” a deep voice rumbled from the far corner of the room. “I have always thought Lady Gage was worth the wait.”

  Chapter 2

  Building trust with Lady Gage quickly was paramount. Lucien stared at the woman before him noting the hot flush to her cheeks, the rise and fall of her full, aroused breasts barely concealed beneath the gown he’d provided, and the confusion in her gaze as their eyes connected. He knew everything about her. Everything except what she tasted like, and what she sounded like when she came.

  Alexander had willingly and enthusiastically shared every small detail about his wife. Lucien’s boy, liked to please; he grew excited when relating his wife’s proclivities in and out of bed. Lord and Lady Gage could have had the same dull society marriage everyone anticipated when they chose to marry, except that Lucien had interfered with Alexander’s decision.

  At Lucien's insistence, Alexander had courted the lovely Henrietta and married her as quickly as it could be arranged. They were the perfect couple. Henrietta was happy with her life, her husband and social position, and Alex brought out Lady Gage's desires as far as he was able. She had been teased, spanked, fucked hard and long until she begged for release.

  Unfortunately, Alexander was submissive, preferring to act under instruction in matters of pleasure more than taking a leading hand. His retiring nature prevented further exploration of his wife’s desires. Yet the incomparable Lady Gage still had depths of desire to plumb.

  Lucien prowled forward.



  “My love,” Alexander began, “may I introduce Lucien Maitland, my Master.”

  The beauty's eyes widened and she glanced between them with a look of panic. “Master? But . . .”

  Alexander waved him closer. “Lucien is a very, very old friend. He knows everything about me, and about us.”

  Lucien almost laughed out loud at Alex’s description of him. Not so old that he was ancient, but old enough to know a trick or two more than Alexander did about pleasing a woman. He would like to use his skills on Lady Gage, but that depended entirely on her cooperation.

  Lady Gage swallowed and Lucien had to tear his eyes away from the movement of her throat. His gaze fell on the intricate gold bracelet encircling her upper arm. Alexander’s gift; his mark of ownership. Despite the potential for difficulty, Lucien couldn’t wait to claim Lady Gage, to place his mark of ownership about her neck and hear her call out Master when she climaxed. She would complete the circle if she were willing to be their third, giving each of them exactly what they needed most. Alexander, in particular, needed this change to make him content.

  Lady Gage glanced at her husband. “Alexander, may I speak privately with you for a moment?”

  Alexander glanced at Lucien, twisting the ring Lucien had given him years ago when their relationship had become a permanent and satisfying arrangement. His boy was anxious when he fiddled with it. Lucien moved to Alex’s side. “Alex, step out of the room so your wife and I may have a private word. There's a good fellow.”

  Alexander beamed, and then beat a hasty retreat to the adjoining room. He had learned his lessons well. Obey without hesitation, so long as doing so did not draw undesirable attention to what he was doing when in public.

  When the door closed behind Alex, Lucien turned back to Lady Gage. “I will answer any question you care to ask in the next few minutes, but after that, if you decline your husband’s gift, I will not elaborate on my relationship with him. Are we clear? His happiness is very important to me.”

  She nodded slowly, her tongue sliding over her lips quickly and then disappearing. “He calls you Master?”

  Lucien liked the way Henrietta faced the situation head on. “Yes. That is what I am to him, almost from the first day we met.”

  Her brow creased in confusion. “Why?”

  “Do you not like to be told what to do?” Lucien smiled. Of course she did. He didn’t require an answer but she needed to have as many of the facts to hand before she made her decision about tonight. “When I first met Alexander, he was just like every young man about Town. Reckless, bored, wasteful.”

  Her pose relaxed from the position her husband had placed her in, easing toward Lucien as if his words drew her to him. “And you changed him?”

  “I guided him, at first. But the longer he listened, the more he liked doing what I told him to do. He became mine, my responsibility, three years before you married him.”

  “Are you lovers?”

  Lucien shifted his weight slightly at the question. She must be wondering about Alex’s disheveled appearance. Clever girl. Alex had gotten himself in somewhat of a state following Lucien’s instructions tonight. One of the things Lady Gage didn’t know about Alex yet was that her husband found pleasure in performing menial tasks before witnesses. Sexual relations between them rarely, if ever, came from those activities. Before Henrietta had joined them, Alexander had been polishing Lucien’s boots as if he was a menial servant. She’d become part of such activities if she was willing. “Our relationship is a little more complex than that.”

sp; “That wasn't an answer.”

  “Well, a man should be certain who he entrusts his secrets to. We have only just met. I only share my confidences when I’ve come to know someone much better than this.”

  “So you are lovers?”

  He shook his head at her tenacity. “In due time, you will see what our relationship truly is. There is nothing to fear. Alexander has, in fact, engaged in two relationships since your marriage quite easily. Should you decline his gift tonight, I am sure he will manage the two once again with no noticeable difference in his demeanor toward you. In fact, I can promise you he will perform admirably.”

  Lady Gage didn’t need to know how disappointed they both might be should she decline their plans. He didn’t want her need to please Alex to color her decision to expand or limit her idea of what her marriage might be.

  A frown creased her forehead as she thought over Lucien’s words. He circled behind her. “Stand still. Arms at your sides.”

  Lady Gage's spine stiffened, but she didn't defy him. Emboldened, Lucien ran the tip of his finger along her arm. Her skin was silky smooth thanks to Alice’s tender care and he brought his hand to his nose to inhale the scent. “Your husband has given you to me as your wedding anniversary present.”

  Lady Gage rocked forward, away from him. “No.”

  “It is true.” Lucien circled her until he faced her again. “You are a needy woman, Lady Gage, more than a man like Alexander can satisfy properly. It will be best for both of you.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “But he loves me.”

  She didn’t understand just how deep Alex’s love went yet, but she would see one day. “Of course he does. You are his wife and he is devoted to you. But that matters little in matters of the bedchamber when there is an inequality of desire at play. To meet your needs, Alexander has been acting under my instructions for some time.”

  Her mouth opened to deny his suggestion. Lucien pressed a finger against her lips. “One thing you will learn about me is that I do not lie. The Gilford Ball, the wine cellar, the hunting lodge in Surrey last spring. Did you enjoy the waterfall? Alexander cursed me soundly for that one. He said it was damn cold but that you loved every moment you two spent cavorting naked beneath the sun.”