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Stroke of Midnight Page 2
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Page 2
Her breath shuddered over his finger. She drew back to whisper, “You know about all that?”
“Of course, I plan every adventure meticulously.”
But he was tired of planning and hearing about it afterward. Lucien wanted to be doing things to the woman whose appetite for pleasure might match his. Alexander was floundering. It was time to take over or else Lady Gage's love life, and marriage, would fail.
She swallowed. “What is it you want from me?”
“Nothing. I intend to give you a gift.”
“Such as.”
Lucien leaned close against her back and drew in a deep breath of her scent. “Have you ever wanted to be the center of attention, not just for an hour or two, but for an entire night and a day?”
Her breath rushed through her lips loudly. Her chest rose and fell, drawing his attention to her peaked nipples. He’d chosen well for their first face to face adventure. She was definitely excited by the idea. He couldn’t wait to show her off to his acquaintances, masked of course, so her reputation would remain untarnished. Secrecy was paramount.
He eased closer to better see her face. “Alexander has given you to me. We will leave this house and you will come to mine to be pleased and nurtured.”
Her lips opened in protest. “What about my children? I cannot leave them behind without another thought.”
“Of course not. You are mine for one entire day which begins in a few moments when you leave the house with me.” Lucien glanced at the clock. “You will return to your children after that. Never fear.”
Her gaze met and held his. Her nostrils flared as she drew air deep into her lungs. “And that will be the end of the adventure?”
He tucked a stray wisp of hair behind her ear. Very soon he would free the lot until she stood in nothing but her glorious hair and the scandalous corset he’d commissioned for her to wear tonight. “Only if you want it to be. The choice will ultimately be yours.”
Chapter 3
Henrietta couldn’t believe that this is what her husband had decided to do for their anniversary, but she’d be a fool to turn down the opportunity to experience the man before her. Her sex wept in earnest as she looked into Lucien Maitland’s eyes. The darkness and promise held in them made her quake.
However, she knew better than to show her desires too openly. She dropped her gaze from his and focused instead on the wide chest before her.
“I believe I will take that as a sign that you are in agreement with your husband’s wishes,” Lucien murmured. His hand lifted to her cheek and he brushed his fingertips across her skin softly. Then he left her, striding away to the door Alexander had disappeared through.
While he was gone from the room, she fought to regain her equilibrium. A man like that, all caged energy and mischief, made her husband appear a monk. She had no doubt that come morning she’d be sore and aching from a vigorous fucking and more. Lucien’s broad shoulders and long legs drew the eye. So too did the unmistakable bulge between his legs.
She kept her eyes forward as Lucien returned, Alex trailing a few steps behind. When their eyes met, Alex grinned but didn’t speak. Judging by the way his eyes sparked, he was happy with her decision to leave with this stranger. His gaze returned to his Master, and there was a look on his face she’d never noticed him bestow on another man before: adoration.
Lucien held a cloak out. “Slip this over her gown, Alex, there is a cool breeze tonight.”
Her husband hastened to follow orders, covering her from shoulder to ankle, and then slipped the hood over her head. When she was securely wrapped, he placed a soft kiss to her brow and stepped back.
A small smile played over Lucien’s mouth as he studied her husband. “Well, if that settles everything,” he reached into his pocket, “your instructions for tomorrow and the day after, Alexander. Be a good boy and try not to aggravate Lord Brindle tomorrow while I’m occupied with entertaining your wife. I’ll deal with him when we return.”
“Thank you, Master,” Alexander murmured took the note and lowered his head respectfully. It was the self-same gesture Henrietta used with Alexander. Yet she sensed no resistance in him as she often-times felt. He was completely submissive to Lucien Maitland. She’d never have expected that from him before tonight.
Lucien moved toward Alexander and a brief, whispered exchange took place. She couldn’t see their faces but with their heads bowed so close together they may have kissed right in front of her and she’d not be able to tell. Were they really lovers or simply very, very close friends?
The relationship Lucien spoke of though sounded much more intimate than mere friends. Her husband’s hand stretched to brush Lucien’s hand and then withdrew.
Lucien turned away from Alex and held out his hand to Henrietta. “Henry. Come.”
Henry? Henrietta couldn’t hide her surprise and hesitated. No one had called her by that name in years.
A frown crossed Lucien’s face. “Henry.”
The demanding tone centered her again and she placed her hand in his. “Yes, Lucien.”
His grip on her hand tightened. “Then let us be on our way.”
Lucien ushered her out to the entrance hall, and down the front stairs to where a carriage awaited them. He quickly helped her inside and the carriage lurched forward as soon as he was seated.
Henrietta’s stomach writhed with dismay as she looked out the window. She’d gone so quickly she’d neglected to farewell her husband properly. She glanced at Lucien.
“It will not bother him that you did not speak any final words to him. He knows I will care for you, and return you at the agreed time. Besides, you still wear his bracelet upon your arm. You are still his in every way.”
That thought settled her anxiety. “Where are we going?”
A frown crossed Lucien’s face. “I am not in the habit of explaining myself, Henry. I will forgive you for the lapse tonight but not again. We are going to a place where vice reigns supreme, where pleasure can be found in every room.”
“A bawdy house?”
His lips turned up in a wicked smile. “Oh, much better than that. Just wait and see. I promise you will not be disappointed.”
That was a very large promise. She eyed him as he sat across from her. What pleasure was there to be had when he’d barely touched her so far? His head tilted to the side. “Open your cloak.”
Henrietta’s heartbeat quickened as she slid the material back from her chest.
“Undo the ribbon tie and move the fabric of the gown’s top layer aside. Let me see your breasts.”
Henrietta gasped. He knew about the scandalous dresses’ secrets. Did he know them all? Slowly, she parted first the right then left sides, exposing her nipples to the cold air. They hardened to tight peaks.
A masculine rumble filled the carriage. “Now part your legs.”
Her pussy quivered, her body shook. She forced her legs apart, but her gown covered her private parts from his gaze.
“Slip your hand under the fabric and touch your thigh, but no higher.”
Henrietta wriggled her fingers beneath the top layer until she touched her bare flesh. Her fingertips were cold and branded her skin. Anticipation shot through her sex. Would she have relations with Lucien in the carriage?
She’d never done that before with Alex.
Lucien sat forward, resting his arms on his spread thighs. “Place one hand on your breast and play with your nipple, Henry. I want to watch you make love to yourself.”
The command with which he made his wishes known brooked no refusal. She moved to obey. While Lucien watched on, Henrietta pinched and rolled her nipple between her cold fingertips. It was nice but certainly not enough to bring about an orgasm.
Lucien lifted the upper layer of her gown and exposed her legs. “Widen your thighs. Press your hand over your pussy and pleasure yourself. Make yourself comfortable in any position you like.”
Oh no. She’d be flat on her back with her fee
t high in the air with that much liberty allowed. His expression didn’t allow for hesitation though so she raised one foot and set it to the edge of the opposite seat, wriggling her bottom to the edge to get comfortable.
“Part those lips, Henry, and stroke your fingers over your nub. Are you wet enough?”
Her fingers dripped. A pleasant tremor rushed through her as Lucien leaned forward until his face was close to her pussy. He inhaled deeply but at no point did he touch. “Very wet indeed. Your thighs glisten in the moonlight.”
He pursed his lips and blew across her pussy. Henry pinched her nipple and wriggled closer to his mouth. She was suddenly needful, hungry for his touch on her most intimate places. Could she beg for his cock to fill her? Would he punish her if she did?
He leaned back in his chair suddenly. “Push a finger inside yourself and then return to your nub.”
Henrietta quaked as she obeyed.
“Do it again.”
She did. And when he kept repeating his instructions she understood that this pleasure would be by her own hand, not his. A tiny sliver of disappointment trickled through her. He’d make her wait, but she hoped for not too long.
Her eyes drifted shut as she concentrated on finding her release. It was just out of reach. If she could just feel his hand upon her again she would come.
“Stop,” he ordered suddenly. “We’ve reached our destination.”
Henrietta’s eyes flew open as shock dragged her back to her remaining senses. The carriage had stopped completely, and she could hear the sound of raucous laughter drifting in from outside.
She glanced at Lucien quickly.
He smiled. “Put yourself back together, my dear, and slip on this mask. We have an event to attend.”
Henrietta hurried to cover her breasts and legs. Her fingers were sticky with her desire and she hoped they left no stain upon the material, and that if there was that no one else noticed.
Lucien stepped out of the carriage and held out his hand for her to take. She wriggled uncomfortably to the doorway, pulse beating too fast, the ache between her legs unsatisfied. She took Lucien’s hand and stepped out into the night air. “Where are we?”
“My house in Harrow.”
“Oh,” she murmured.
Lucien’s arm settled around her shoulders. “Keep your hood up at all times, and your mask in place until I say it is safe for you to remove it. Our intent here is to observe and not to participate with others over much. You’re mine for the evening. I’m not prepared to share you around.”
Henrietta let out a relieved breath. It was one thing to give herself to her husband’s master, but quite another to give her body to complete strangers for their pleasure. “Thank you.”
He chuckled. “Think nothing of it. It’s purely selfish of me, really.”
A hot flush swept up her face and she pulled the material of her cloak tighter about her.
Lucien stopped suddenly, and glanced down at her. “Absolutely selfish of me. You are lovely when you’re about to climax. I’m not about to share that experience with another soul tonight.”
Chapter 4
Lucien would give up sex altogether if he didn’t watch Henry come soon. She had the most delicious way of biting her lip while she played between her legs which had almost changed the course of their evening. He had all night to please her. The first time she climaxed would be here in his house and in his arms.
He hurried her inside.
His house, one of many was awash with the sounds of sex play. The private party, in honor of Alex’s and Henry’s wedding anniversary, was well underway. A woman shrieked somewhere above their heads as she came and two fellows were going at it under the staircase, body’s slapping together and grunting as they rutted with no thought for who might see. That was the way he liked it here. No barriers, no end to pleasure.
There were no proper lords and ladies here.
A shiver shook his companion. When he glanced at her, she was gazing at a couple on the staircase, pretty pink lips slightly parted, her breath churning in and out. When she didn’t look away immediately, his cock thickened. He’d been right. She did like to watch others enthralled in their own passions.
He directed Henry toward the small parlor, an intimate setting for the next taste of her anniversary present. He was happy to see the dimly lit chamber was warm and already occupied. A handsome young couple kissed passionately on the far side of the room, oblivious to their new audience as yet.
Lucien pushed the door almost closed behind them and then sat on a plush couch, pulling Henry into his lap, ready for the performance to start. He was sure Henry would enjoy the first glimpse of what a relationship with him could offer. He had a house full of debauchery ready to excite her. She squirmed against his groin and he stilled her with his hands. He wasn’t going to fuck her yet. The first few events would be just for Henry’s enjoyment, and for Alexander’s. He slipped into the chamber without a sound and took his place behind them in the shadows.
The couple looked up. The woman smiled. Lucien nodded for them to begin. They were to perform for Henry and Alexander’s entertainment. Not that she would realize that immediately given the way her gaze flittered over the couple, ignoring her husband’s silent presence at their backs.
Lucien pulled her against his chest and brought his lips level with her ear. “Do they please you?”
“They seem very nice.”
“Would you like to see more of them? Would you like them to take off their clothes?”
Henry squirmed on his lap and looked over her shoulder at him. Her lips were parted in surprise and inches from his. “I.” She swallowed. “Yes.”
Lucien stared at her mouth a moment then wrenched his gaze away. He wouldn’t kiss her until she sought to kiss him first, but he certainly wanted to. She had the most fascinating mouth of any woman he’d ever met. She would look lovely with the head of his cock against her lips, his and Alexander’s come coating them.
He nodded again to the couple and they returned to open mouthed kissing. Lucien settled his hand over Henry’s stomach to hold her still. “They will do anything you ask of them. They will simply kiss or, if you desire, they will even make love before you. Would you like to see strangers find pleasure in each other’s arms?”
Her breath hitched. Her head bobbed far enough that the performing couple noticed. They rubbed against each other, mimicking the act of making love. Soon, they would shed their clothes and settle on the hearth rug and fuck each other. How they did the deed would be Henry’s to decide. She was already squirming on his lap, clearly aroused by the scene unfolding before her. A little more and she’d come without his help.
Lucien couldn’t have that. He shifted his hand to her thigh and slowly wriggled his fingers under the fabric. Her thighs were warm, slim and trembling with the effort to keep still. “Keep watching them.”
He swept his fingers up until he touched dampness. He loved her shaved pussy. The sight of clean bare skin in the carriage had aroused him unbearably. He stroked over her mound and nudged her legs wider apart. He skimmed her opening gently.
Henry whimpered. Her body shook. He withdrew his hand to her thigh again before she was too far gone to stop. “Don’t come yet. There’s more to see.”
The couple shifted to the floor, the woman reclining on her elbows, her gown lifted to her waist. She widened her legs so they could see her hair covered pussy. The man loosened the waistband of his trousers and pushed them to his knees. His cock was hard and seed wept from the tip.
Henry licked her lips as she stared at them.
“What position should they fuck in, Henry?” He raised his hand to her breast and squeezed the full orb. “On her back as they are or will you bring her to her knees so he can take her from behind?”
Henry’s breath was coming in rough pants; her nipple had hardened to points, branding his palm with heat. He squeezed and rolled the flesh while the couple on the floor waited for their instructions. “On
her knees,” Henry groaned softly.
The couple changed position; woman on her knees, man moving in behind. Their view was perfect. The man, sleek buttocks clenched, took himself in hand and guided the head to the woman’s entrance but didn’t enter, even though the woman moaned for him to do so.
Both turned to look at Henry.
Lucien pressed his lips to Henry’s neck. “You must tell him to fuck her or he will leave her like that.”
Henry swallowed. “Do it,” she ordered.
The man didn’t move.
Lucien chuckled. “Say the words ‘fuck her’. Tell them exactly what you want to see?”
“Fuck her. Make her come.”
The man slid inside the woman and she groaned. Behind them, Lucien heard Alexander’s strangled gasp quite plainly. Alexander wanted his wife to dominate him, but he’d not been able to convince her to do so. This first step, while small, had given them both hope. While the two on the floor fucked hard, Lucien slid his hand over Henry’s pussy and slowly teased her open. She squirmed against his hand as the couple on the floor moaned and grunted. Lucien’s finger dipped inside her body and Henry shoved down on the digit, impaling herself.
Alexander made another sound, but luckily his wife was too far gone to notice. Alexander would be punished for breaking his silence. But that was a pleasure for tomorrow.
Lucien stopped watching the couple. Who needed them when he had Henrietta, the incomparable Lady Gage, panting in his arms, and Alexander desperate to moan behind? He added another finger to her depths, stroking her desires. She made little mewling sounds low in her throat. Her pussy juices coated his fingers, his hand, thickly. Her gaze fixed on the couple grunting at their feet. He turned her on his lap so he could see her face as she came, and Alex could better see what he was doing.